Catalog Search Results

Discover your family’s story through historical records.
Interest in family history is a growing passion among people of all ages. Young people want to know where they came from, as well as the people who built their family and their country. DNA can trace your lineage, and in doing so find other people who share your ancestors. It also allows you to see where your ancient forebearers lived and migrated.
"You swab your cheek or spit in a vial, then send it away to a lab somewhere. Weeks later you get a report that might tell you where your ancestors came from or if you carry certain genetic risks. Or the report could reveal long-buried family secrets and upend your entire sense of identity. Soon a lark becomes an obsession, a relentless drive to find answers to questions at the core of your being, like "Who am I?" and "Where did I come from?" Welcome...
Now 94 and living a quiet life, Cecily Larson, when her family surprises her with an at-home DNA test, finds the unexpected results not only bringing to light the tragic love story she's kept hidden for decades but also calls into question everything about the family she's raised and claimed as her own.
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