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The Ultimate Deception is a true story of a father, who struggled with the justice system in a custody battle for his children. The mother of his children at times tried to stab herself in the abdomen, while pregnant with each child but was prevented to do so by this father. His children cried out to the authorities and to him to free them from an abusive home with their mother and step father. The court system chose not to believe this father or...
Drawing on her extensive experience in counseling families and individuals with sexual problems, psychologist Margretta Dwyer delivers a timely look at some of the sexual issues facing us today in Understand Offending.
Dwyer believes the emphasis on natural, healthy sexual development is imperative to creating an atmosphere conducive to debunking myths and false teachings on sexuality. Dwyer also focuses on those who commit sexual offences and...
Todo el mundo parece estar de acuerdo en que la civilización occidental tiene problemas. Pero nadie está de acuerdo en sus causas, y en sus soluciones. ¿Estamos demasiado gobernados, o tal vez habría que simplificarlo todo? ¿Sobra capitalismo, o más bien al contrario? ¿Tenemos demasiada libertad sexual, o demasiado poca? ¿Y si el problema es más hondo y afecta precisamente a nuestros cimientos, como seres humanos en relación con Dios?
El autor muestra cómo fortalecer el amor en parejas de novios y de casados, detectando y gestionando aquellas debilidades emocionales que suelen generar conflictos.
Así, trata la ira, el egoísmo y el afán de control, la distancia emocional y la ansiedad, la tristeza, la soledad y la infidelidad, la sombra del divorcio, la falta de comunicación y la desconfianza, la reticencia al matrimonio y la falta de conocimiento propio, ofreciendo modos...
Praise for Happily Separating Wise advice from two very competent and caring attorneys. Must reading for anyone who is contemplating separation or divorce. Jonathan A. Azrael, Attorney I have always lived by the principle that you can disagree without being disagreeable. Happily Separating makes for a good title and a good book. Following the common sense approach of this book can certainly help spare misery on the part of all concerned. Mitchell...
Collaborative Practice: Deepening the Dialogue is the road map for family lawyers making the journey from traditional litigation to collaborative practice. A leader in the collaborative law movement, Nancy Cameron has written an essential resource for professionals who are practicing in or who are making the change to collaborative family practice. In a thoughtful, humorous, and concise manner, Nancy Cameron scrutinizes the landscape of traditional...
La autora ofrece una galería de temas que no deben faltar en las conversaciones entre los novios, y entre los casados: la luna de miel, los imprevistos, el reparto de tareas, la suegra, la importancia de mantener las amistades, la economía de la casa y el tiempo de ocio, el primer hijo, el primer enfriamiento y la falta de diálogo, el aburrimiento y la infidelidad... En definitiva, cómo cuidar el matrimonio para que el amor crezca más y más.
Single-parent families succeed. Within these families children thrive, develop, and grow, just as they do in a variety of family structures. Tragically, they must do so in the face of powerful legal and social stigma that works to undermine them.
As Nancy E. Dowd argues in this bold and original book, the justifications for stigmatizing single-parent families are founded largely on myths, myths used to rationalize harshly punitive social policies....
Esta obra ofrece una descripción y análisis sobre la forma como el derecho regula cada una de las etapas y cambios que el ser humano experimenta a través del ciclo vital, desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte. Con ello, se pretende generar un interés interdisciplinar sobre las diferentes problemáticas de índole jurídica que se presentan a lo largo de la existencia de la persona. Igualmente, invita a la reflexión y discusión sobre la evolución...
En Esta es tu historia se aborda de manera sencilla y práctica el porqué, el cómo, el cuándo y el qué de la comunicación sobre los orígenes en adopción, resultando un instrumento de gran utilidad tanto para las familias que han adoptado internacionalmente, como para aquellos que están en proceso, para los profesionales relacionados con el mundo de la adopción o para otros profesionales en contacto con personas adoptadas.
Ask Carolyn – Straight Talk from the Dancing Divorce Attorney is a compilation of questions and answers from a column that Carolyn writes for a local newspaper, The Rhino Times. "She finally admitted having oral sex with the suspect…," "Can I deduct the $2500 as alimony on my income taxes?" "I have a very young child who was been the victim of sexual offenses," are just a few of the topics. Carolyn J. Woodruff is a family law specialist attorney...
12) Introduction to Syrian Personal Status and Family Law: Syrian Legislation and Jurisprudence on Ma
Self-Help Guides to the Law™ explain the law in clear, concise terms to a popular audience of non-lawyers. Summarizing the key areas of the law with which readers are most likely to come into contact, the Guides broadly outline the statutes and cases that govern immigration law, landlord-tenant relations, personal injury, contracts, family law, criminal law and constitutional law and procedure.
In this edition, Syrian family law is presented in...
This book delves into a multifaceted legal battle encompassing family law, immigration issues, and the inherent biases within the German legal system, contrasted with practices in other jurisdictions. At its core, it narrates the author's personal journey through the complexities of securing his children's well-being and legal rights amidst a contentious custody dispute. The narrative is enriched by an exploration of legal principles, the role of...
Esta obra, que reúne un grupo de destacados académicos y profesionales, presenta reflexiones sobre distintos problemas jurídicos que, fruto de los cambios sociales y normativos, han desafiado al derecho de familia durante las últimas décadas. Dentro de este marco, el texto aborda, con una mirada práctica, analítica, crítica y reflexiva, asuntos relativos a la familia, los cuales son revisados desde ámbitos tan variados como la Constitución,...
People with High-Conflict Personalities (HCP's) are increasing in our society and in our courts. As litigants, they have a familiar pattern of high-intensity emotions, distortions of information, and self-defeating behavior. Their prolonged disputes are characterized by unchanging hostility, replacement of resolved issues with new unresolved issues, and lack of insight and behavior change. Judicial officers often refer to them as "frequent filers"...
With a near 50% divorce rate in the United States, every parent who reads this book is either going through a divorce, has been divorced, is married to or living with someone who is divorced, or will go through one or more of his/her children's divorces.
Unlike books designed to enlighten parents about children's reactions to divorce, A Parents' Guide to Child Custody is written for parents themselves.
The book provides parents with an overview...
La presente obra analiza de forma concisa y clara la noción de nulidad matrimonial, según el Derecho Canónico. Así, su pretensión no radica en abordar un estudio exhaustivo y dogmático de la cuestión, sino en ofrecer una visión nítida, destinada tanto a juristas como a profanos, de sus aspectos más esenciales. Pero, sobre todo, desde un punto de vista práctico, considerando cómo una persona interesada en solicitar la nulidad de su matrimonio...
Taucht mit Blue, dem kleinen Wal, hinab in die tiefe des Meeres. Auf der Suche nach seinem Algenball fühlt er sich plötzlich ganz merkwürdig: Sein Herz pocht wie verrückt, der Bauch grummelt und seine Schwanzflosse will nicht mehr aufhören zu zittern. Die Angst durchströmt ihn! Erfahrt zusammen mit Blue, warum Angst ein wunderbares Geschenk ist, was fühlen bedeutet und wie ein Korallenknaller helfen kann. Eine Gefühlswelle für Groß und Klein!...
'The Prenuptial Guide - Contracts for Lovers' shows readers how to write their own cohabitation, prenuptial, or marriage contract. Written by a lawyer, the kit comes with plain-language instructions so it's easy to use. Use this kit when marrying or living together to avoid future disputes, and decide how assets brought into the marriage should be handled.
The book is an extract from my doctorate degree thesis dealing with the formal requirements for the celebration of marriage: a comparative study of canon law, Nigerian statutory law, and customary law. It is universally recognized that consent of parties brings about marriage. But for consent to result in marriage, it must be validly exchanged/manifested. Formal requirements for marriage celebration deals with valid exchange of consent. The work thus...
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