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What accounts for the remarkable ability to get inside another person's head-to know what they're thinking and feeling? "Mind reading" is the very heart of what it means to be human, creating a bridge between self and others that is fundamental to the development of culture and society. But, until recently, scientists didn't understand what in the brain makes it possible.
This has all changed in the last decade. Marco Iacoboni, a leading neuroscientist...
Rooted in positive psychology, focusing on cardiac prevention and recovery, The Good Heart: 101 Ways to Live A Positively Long, Happy Life helps readers replace depression, stress and anger with self-confidence, generosity and optimism. The book, with its 101 one- to two-page tips, written in easy-to-understand language by a well-respected expert in her field, targets the millions throughout the world who suffer from some form of diagnosed cardiovascular...
One of the most profound and in-depth books ever written on how to release fear-based thinking and feeling and change it to love-based thinking and feeling. A revolutionary cutting-edge master thesis on the subject of Spiritual Psychology and how to realize it. The reader will never be the same after reading this book. Each chapter will transform and shift your consciousness like an attitudinal and emotional chiropractic adjustment. By the time you...
La naturaleza humana está determinada por diversos factores sociales, ambientales, políticos, culturales y psicológicos; los seres humanos son construcciones sociales. En este sentido, desde la infancia se experimentan las primeras dinámicas en el mundo social y a partir allí, se modulan conductas y posibilidades para el éxito en la vida adulta. De acuerdo con lo anterior, el objetivo de este libro es explorar la producción científica sobre...
Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificación profesional y adquisición de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formación y la capacitación, que se basa en los principios de la cualificación y dinamización del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempeño del trabajo.
What Is Cognitive Psychology? identifies the theoretical foundations of cognitive psychology-foundations which have received very little attention in modern textbooks. Beginning with the basics of information processing, Michael R. W. Dawson explores what experimental psychologists infer about these processes and considers what scientific explanations are required when we assume cognition is rule-governed symbol manipulation. From these foundations,...
"Everyone is an Einstein; and There is an Einstein in Everyone: The Constitution of Genius" is a book written with boundless hope. The undeniable potential that resides in each of us is infinite. But realizing your full potential, harnessing it, and maximizing it, is no small task. This book seeks to encourage thinking anew about how we unlock the full potential in each and every one of us.
During the process of realizing of your own genius, there's...
8) La conciencia en el cerebro: Descifrando el enigma de cómo el cerebro elabora nuestros pensamientos
¿Cómo pienso? ¿Qué este "yo" que parece el hacedor de ese pensamiento? ¿Yo sería distinto si hubiera nacido en una época diferente, en otro lugar o en otro cuerpo? ¿Adónde voy cuando me duermo, cuando sueño, cuando muero? ¿Todo eso se origina en mi cerebro? Estas preguntas acuciaron a sabios y legos de todas las épocas. Pero hasta hace apenas dos o tres décadas, la ciencia no se atrevía a enfrentarlas. Hoy en día, gracias al avance...
"I should say first of all that the only emotions I propose expressly to consider here are those that have a distinct bodily expression. That there are feelings of pleasure and displeasure, of interest and excitement, bound up with mental operations, but having no obvious bodily expression for their consequence, would, I suppose, be held true by most readers. Certain arrangements of sounds, of lines, of colours, are agreeable, and others the reverse,...
This book provide a perspective of the healing process from emotional hurt and pain through mobilizing the power of "Self". The content is a parallel of theology and cognitive psychology. In order to escape from being a victim of the ills presented by the world we live, "Self-Empowerment" is, emphasized. Changing circumstances that happen in the world we live is impossible, but changing the way we think about these situations is necessary to accomplish...
Consciousness is a clever adaptation for life as a social ape. But like all adaptations, it has its limits. Lion claws and butterfly wings are made of tissue and proteins that require proper diet and maintenance to keep their integrity. Likewise, a fully functioning conscious system is a phenomenon that requires a well-nourished neural substrate to keep it going. It is important to point out that a healthy brain is necessary but not sufficient for...
Que significa creer que todo lo que se sea suceder? La interpretacin Cogniscitiva de los Sueos Es un mtodo sencillo y prctico Que puede educarnos a interpretar Nuestros sueos sin el subjetivismo De otra persona. El incosciente es irreal. Las raices de un sueo no estn en el inconsciente, Sin en el estmulo que lo provoc. Llenamos el vacio de lo desconocido con imgenes conocidas. No soamos con algo que antes No hayamos visto. Soamos con algo nuestras...
El psiquiatra y neurocientífico clínico Daniel Amen, MD, con más de 40 años de práctica clínica con decenas de miles de pacientes, comparte los hábitos diarios más efectivos que ha observado para mejorar el cerebro, dominar la mente, potenciar la memoria y hacerte sentir más feliz, saludable y conectado con tus seres queridos. Incorporar los pequeños hábitos y prácticas del Dr. Amen a lo largo de un año te ayudará a:
- Gestionar tu...
The Button Therapy Book is a practical cognitive counseling manual for mental health professionals and a psychological self-help book designed to: Help you identify, modify, and eliminate your Buttons that trigger stress and distress in your life. Help you identify potentially troublesome cognitions related to your thinking styles such as black and white thinking ; should messages such as I should do everything perfectly ; self-defeating core beliefs...
Un libro que reúne reflexiones, parábolas y citas memorables para explicar el impacto que supone en cada vida singular el encuentro con los demás y el motivo por el que cada ser humano es, aquí y ahora, un presente imprescindible. Encuentros con nuestro cuerpo, con el interior del propio ser, con nuestro carácter y con la naturaleza. La autora, con esta obra, parte de la convicción de que cada vida es singular y está edificada sobre los encuentros...
To capture the essence of the experience brought on by exposure to the epidemics and as part of the author's doctoral dissertation, Dr. Dawson interviewed people who have experienced the powerful effects of fear. The book provides the reader with evidenced based interventions on how they can halt emotion constriction of exposure to life threatening diseases such as the opiate and coronavirus epidemics. The book offers the reader with research based...
Proudly, the first book that delves into the methods of ATOMIC HABITS, a renowned masterpiece, and employs a Cognitive Linguistics approach to analyze the beliefs of English speakers. By reading this book, you will not only gain a deeper understanding of how you perceive SUCCESS-related concepts based on your language before engaging with ATOMIC HABITS but also witness the transformative impact of the book's methods on your conceptualizations. You...
Imagine a little boy seeing the world as special - an internal picture of perfection revolving around the image of his own self - a pulsating star, at center stage. Then, he sees that he does not match what his self-image symbolizes, the alpha-male personality of both his father and grandfather. They are aggressively domineering, hugely successful at making money, and seem to have sexually satisfied both his mother and grandmother. But the boy realizes...
Este libro va dirigido a todos aquellos que, por cualquier razón, estén interesados en el desarrollo cognitivo humano. Espero y deseo que resulte comprensible e interesante a lectores procedentes de campos muy diversos: gente interesada en el tema pero con escasa o ninguna preparación en psicología; estudiantes universitarios, tanto de primeros cursos como de cursos superiores, ya sea de psicología general, evolutiva, cognitiva, educativa o incluso...
Ce livre s'adresse aux étudiants et aux spécialistes de différentes disciplines qui s'intéressent aux processus cognitifs. La présence de résumés à la fin de chaque chapitre ainsi que l'utilisation abondante d'exemples et d'illustrations en font un outil pédagogique avantageux. Écrit dans un style clair et accessible, il pourra aussi profiter à toute personne désireuse de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement cognitif de l'humain.
La cognition...
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