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For the longest time I was five-and-a-half. I remember I was five-and-a-half for such a long time I thought I would never be older. But the day came.
Yesterday, I was 'almost six'.
The story is about a little boy, Zachery, who is six. He discovers that growing up is more about overcoming fears (his 'inners') than physical changes (his 'outters').
2) Mama's Boy
This book is dedicated to the unbreakable bond between mothers and sons. There exists a false expectation that a boy must sever the attachment to his mother to become a "real" man. Rather than viewing a mother's love as a hindrance, Mama's Boy is a celebration of the special connection between a mother and her son. This book serves as encouragement for a boy to grow into the most confident and healthy version of himself - "to better the world, just...
Edward Edson Lee (1884-1944), who wrote under the pen name of Leo Edwards, was a popular children's author in the 1920s and 1930s. He wrote five series of books, including the Jerry Todd series which was wildly popular. The stories took place in the town which Lee experienced in his childhood and the characters were real boys that Lee befriended around the time he began writing the stories. In his autobiography, Ronald Reagan wrote that he had a boyhood...
The Lobster Chronicles is a trilogy about how life changes for three boys in a small coastal town when a giant lobster is caught. Each book describes the same events through a different boy's eyes, making for three suspenseful, believable stories and an engrossing reading experience.
This story is for all those children who may have wondered what might happen to some body bits in their world. Eight year old Beau Michael Philpott-Jones decides to start a collection of the body bits in his daily life, and then with the help of his father creates a collage picture to enter in a local art show, with an exciting result!
This book explores the lives of children born to first-generation immigrant parents or children who simply do not look like "the norm" people often define. Cassie is a young and vibrant young girl who tries to navigate the world of middle school while also dealing with feeling like she doesn't really fit into her multi-cultural background.
Growing up, children often feel alone when they don't fit into any preconceptions other people have. When...
10) Team Trinity
Life at boarding school is not all diets, dresses and dances, as Trinity Luhabe discovers when her parents move overseas for a term. She has hardly settled into Sisulu House when she finds herself caught up in the most unexpected love triangle of her life. Zach is the school sports hero, while James is different to anyone she's ever met. One of them wants to control her
the other holds the key to an old secret that has been buried for a very long...
Cette histoire de Daniel et de son grand-père vous réchauffera le cœur, ainsi que celui de vos enfants et petits-enfants. Écoutez leur conversation alors que Daniel s'ouvre à son grand-père lors d'une promenade qu'ils font ensemble après l'école. Daniel raconte qu'il est intimidé par deux de ses camarades de classe parce qu'il est petit. Que vous connaissiez ou non un enfant qui est victime d'intimidation ou que vous soyez cet enfant, "The...
Will has a lot to say, but he knows from experience that it's not always safe to say what's on his mind. At home and at school, with his father and his friends, Will has been gulping down his words for a long time. He doesn't know how many more words he'll be able to swallow. Then he meets a writer who won't take back his words, and Will understands what being brave can mean. As Will's words begin to flow, he tastes for the first time what self-expression...
13) Benny's Flag
Benny was an Aleut Indian boy living in an Alaskan mission home many years before Alaska became a state. One day his teacher told the class about a contest to make a flag for Alaska. That night the boys and girls of the mission house made many designs for the flag. Benny thought about what he loved most about Alaska. Benny knew what he wanted his flag to be like: the blue field for the Alaska sky and the forget-me-not flower; the North Star for the...
La perla dentro de su lmeja por Linda Henderson
La intimidación ocurre demasiado en el mundo de hoy. El abuelo de Daniel le da algunos consejos atemporales sobre cómo lidiar con los matones.
La perla dentro de su almeja
Esta historia de Daniel y su abuelo calentará los corazones tanto de usted como de sus hijos o nietos. Escucha en su conversación como Daniel se abre a su abuelo en una caminata que realizan juntos después de la escuela. Daniel...
Becoming a wizard is hard work. For Pete Riley it's almost impossible. He tries to follow the rules, but he's impatient and being impatient only leads to trouble.Big trouble.He messes with a time spell when he shouldn't and he and his bookish friend, Weasel, are swept into Victorian England, where they will be trapped forever if that wizard-in-training can't find a way to reverse his bad spell by the next full moon.
16) Best Mommy Ever
Eww, rolled pickles filled with jam. After a long day of watching her son play outside and cleaning him up before meals, Sam's mother had no idea what her little toddler had in store for her the next day. Sam's mom loves her son, but she doesn't love the breakfast in bed he brought her for her birthday. Of course, she would never tell him how awful those pickles were.
A mothers' love knows no bounds and that's certainly the case with Sam's. Sam's...
Money is part of life. To be financially literate is extremely vital. Kids learn about money in the story. One child explains how he spends, saves and distributes his money. You can use this book to prompt discussions about what can be done with the money you give your child or children. Starting good money happens early can make all the difference for you and your family. This is a simple story about how one child was taught the important role that...
18) Crop Duster Pete
Have you ever seen the iconic yellow airplane racing low to the ground just above green fields in the sunshine? Have you ever wanted to experience it firsthand? Now is your chance to ride along with Crop Duster Pete and find out.
Flying from daylight to dark, you will see what Pete accomplishes to help farmers protect their crops from weeds and bugs that threaten to destroy our food supply. Put on your helmet and strap yourself in. It's about to...
19) You are a Loved Boy: A Collection of Inspiring Stories about Family, Friendship, Self-Confidence and
Hello! Do you know that you are an amazing and loved boy?You are very special. You are the only you there is in the entire world, and that's out of billions of people! You are smart, funny, courageous, unique, and there are a lot of people that love and support you. This is something that you should always remember.This book will introduce you to a group of boys who go through the same things you do every day. They are scared, worried, and sometimes,...
This is a simple picture book. You have the opportunity to look at lots of dogs. The simple challenge is to look at the dog you have to find and have fun finding it. This simple game has many benefits. You and your child are encouraged to look at the dog and remember what it looks like and then to scan the page to match that dog. This simple game helps to develop many beneficial skills. I used this simple game to get my sons used to scanning their...
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