Everything equus: Taxonomy and terminology
Part I: Early interactions. The dawn of the horse: equine evolution and bone wars
Straight from the horse's mouth: I am the grass, let me work
Eat like a horse: human hunting and vanishing habitats
Hold your horses: steppes of domestication and the agricultural revolution
A horse by any other name: the Indo-European domination of Eurasia
Part II: Forge of empires. Behold a pale horse: apocalyptic chariots and imperial ambitions
Riders on the storm: cavalry, assyrians, libraries, and scythians
The education of Alexander: academia and empires
My kingdom for a horse: the hitched fates of the Chinese and Roman empires
Dark horses: feudal knights and contending faiths
Road apples: the medieval agricultural revolution and the making of modern Europe
Part III: Global trails. Shuttling the Silk Roads: Mongol hordes and Eurasian markets
The return of the native: the horse and the Columbian exchange
Big dogs of the Great Plains: horses, bison, and the downfall of Indigenous peoples
Spiritual machines: the supremacy of the horse
The final draft: war, mechanization, and medicine
Equus rising: wild horses, therapeutic healing, and worldwide sports