From the Book - First edition.
Cholera's child : the microbes' comeback
The jump : crossing the species barrier at wet markets, pig farms, and South Asian wetlands
Locomotion : the global dissemination of pathogens through canals, steamships, and jet airplanes
Filth : the rising tide of feculence, from nineteenth-century New York City to the slums of Port-au-Prince and the factory farms of south China
Crowds : the amplification of epidemics in the global metropolis
Corruption : private interests versus public health, or, How Aaron Burr and the Manhattan Company poisoned New York City with cholera
Blame : cholera riots, AIDS denialism, and vaccine resistance
The cure : the suppression of John Snow and the limits of biomedicine
The revenge of the sea : the cholera paradigm
The logic of pandemics : the lost history of ancient pandemics
Tracking the next contagion : reimagining our place in a microbial world.