Peter Walker
In this highly engaging book, Peter Walker uses his expertise in Biblical studies and his extensive experience of leading tours around the Mediterranean to bring the world of Saint Paul vividly to life.
Following Luke's account in the Book of Acts and using evidence from Paul s own letters, he reconstructs the apostle s wide-ranging travels and describes the many places Paul visited as we encounter them today. In doing so
Let one of the top therapists in the field show you simple and effective techniques for relieving common ailments and nurturing the bond you have with your baby.
Touch is your baby's first language and plays an essential role in their physical and emotional development. Written by a pioneer in developmental baby massage and yoga for toddlers, renowned physical therapist and bestselling author Peter Walker teaches you vital massage techniques for...
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
(Psalm 139:7-10)
10) The Call
The world is in turmoil.
Elias Girawong, Earth Wizard and knowledge keeper, must act. His ceremony, calling the thirteen, heralds a long overdue change to shake the foundations of life itself. But there are those who covet power beyond reason. Each of the thirteen "called" have their assigned roles. Each of them must travel to join the circle of thirteen. Each of them must face the challenge of their journey and the will and power of those who would...
11) Broken Heart
The heart can break in many ways and for many reasons. However, in this short booklet I am writing to you who have been hurt - sinned against, taken advantage of - by another. I am writing to the abused. The broken heart I hope to speak to is the one that was robbed by man, and now finds it hard to hope, to feel, to believe.
Jesus loves you. He is with you. He pursues and will judge him who hurt you. Not only will he hold your abuser accountable,...
12) Purpose
When we enter through the Gate of Jesus - by repentance and faith - we enter into his eternal kingdom. In that moment, we become citizens of heaven.
Yes, we still find ourselves here on earth, but everything has changed. Earth is no longer our home nor our future. Once we belonged to this world, and it was all we had, all we could invest in and 'build'. But now we belong to a different kingdom, we serve a different King, and we live to advance his...
13) True Love
Of the billions of humans now alive and kicking, let two of them fall in love, marry, and yet it can't stick. They chose each other, and even still…
Just two can't make 'love' work – not two lovers, two races, two nations, two siblings, two people.
We crave to know true love. That's the deep well of thirst in every eye, every soul. It's not in our control, however. Our own spirits are not the source, the spring - that's why our 'love' breaks...
14) Who Is Jesus?
ARABIC VERSION of 'Who Is Jesus?' - A short booklet that asks this most important question...
16) The Trees
The Trees documents the World Trade Center Memorial Plaza in New York City. The film examines our fundamental need for healing and rebirth after tragedy, and the fundamental role that nature plays in our journey toward solace.
The Kingfisher science encyclopedia is divided into ten thematic sections, each of which tackles a specific area of scientific interest. This new edition has been extensively updated by experts from the world of science. Inclduded are over 80 augmented reality models to explore.-- Publisher.