Philip Steele
The Atlas of Great Journeys allows readers to follow in the footsteps of the most daring adventurers as they set out to explore the unknown. Fascinating original map illustrations show the world's greatest journeys, and lavishly illustrated fact pages tell the stories of each expedition - what dangers they faced, how long they travelled, and much more.
Weather can be truly wild. Mild breezes can give way to a terrifying tornado in a matter of minutes. What happens in Earth's atmosphere to cause weather is the focus of this beautifully designed volume. Fascinating facts about weather matters such as the water cycle, thunderstorms, and climate change are presented alongside absorbing, hands-on activities that reinforce key concepts. Gripping graphics, exciting images, and a dynamic design will especially...
Iran is a country rich in culture, with a long, sometimes violent history. After the Shah was overthrown in 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini ruled the government. They led the country into war with Iraq and created tension with many Western countries, including the United States. Readers explore the long history and culture of Iran-the rise of the Ayatollah, the election of current president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, diplomatic relations with countries in...
In addition to putting an end to the inhumane institution of slavery, the Civil War also spurred important inventions that improved people's lives, such as canned food, pocket watches, federal paper currency, and standard sizes for shoes. Although medical technology lagged behind the development of new weapons that could kill and maim more soldiers than ever, there were advances in amputation techniques and anesthesia delivery. Additionally, the railroad...
Beyond fueling vehicles used for all kinds of transportation, oil and gas resources affect many other aspects of people's lives, through their use in medicines, plastics, detergents, and fabrics. This book examines how oil is extracted and transported through pipelines, including discussion of controversial processes like fracking and drilling in the Arctic. The political and economic impact of controlling these resources is critiqued, allowing readers...
6) Weather
What causes different types of weather? What's the weirdest weather in the world? These are just some of the questions kids might have about weather, and the answers to many of their questions are found in this relatable and informative look at a popular science curriculum topic. The easy-to-read format presents questions and answers using clear and concise text, allowing even reluctant readers to explore this essential topic independently and enthusiastically....
Access to clean, fresh water is vital for all humans, but in many parts of the world, getting water is not as simple as turning on the tap. Contaminated water, especially in impoverished areas, kills millions of people a year, while warming oceans, Arctic melt, and disappearing rainforests are a threat to the environment. This book shows how humans use water and how we can help preserve it in the wake of these threats. Statistics and fact boxes help...
8) Afghanistan
Readers examine the history of Afghanistan, including its wars with the British Empire through its present-day occupation by American and NATO forces. Issues explored include the rise of the Taliban, the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent U.S. military ouster of the Taliban, the war of insurgency, and the plan for military withdrawal. Case studies show real-life experiences from a variety of sources, and opinion panels present diverse points of view....
The different peoples making up Sudan have a long history of ethnic conflict. There has been civil war between the north and the south, as well as conflict among the various ethnic communities and nomadic groups living within these regions. Readers examine the civil unrest that has divided the country for decades, as well as the rebellion and massacres of the Darfur region. Factors contributing to the area's ongoing conflicts, including clashes over...
Scientific evidence clearly shows that temperatures and the level of CO2 in the atmosphere have risen dramatically since the end of the nineteenth century, coinciding with the rise of industrialization. But what can be done to slow the effects of climate change on humans, plants and animals, and natural resources? This book explains the consequences of further climate change, from flooding of coastal areas to unhealthy pollution in urban areas, and...
As humans continue to shape the environment through urbanization and increased industrialization, it will become more difficult to feed everyone, with the U.N. estimating that food production will need to increase by 70 percent if, as projected, the world population is around nine billion in 2050. This book explains how climate change and lack of water affect crops, making it difficult to feed people, especially in impoverished areas. Also discussed...
The world's population has more than doubled in the past fifty years, which has strained natural resources, increased pollution, and harmed many plants and animals. This book examines demography around the world, covering immigration, refugees, urbanization, poverty, trade, and access to water and food. Controversial issues such as eugenics and abortion are also discussed in terms of their impact on population and birth rates, providing readers with...
Deforestation, mining, drilling, rising sea levels, and other threats are contributing to decreasing biodiversity around the world. This analytical approach to disappearing habitats and endangered species addresses issues such as climate change, population growth, and the efficacy of conservation efforts. Readers are provided with statistics and perspectives on all sides of the issue, allowing them to consider difficult questions such as how to balance...
The expanding American frontier in the late 1800s created a battleground on which white and Indian cultures inevitably clashed. Slowly and inexorably the Native Americans were pushed from their land and stripped of their birthright.
This engrossing volume documents the lives of the last Cherokee warriors-Ned Christie and Ezekiel Proctor-two angry men who struggled against the tide of history and the power of the United States government in an effort...
The Vikings were famous for being fierce warriors and expert sailors. But what else do you know about them?
This fascinating fact file gives readers aged 5 and up a first insight into the amazing lives of the Vikings. Find out about the mythology surrounding their gods and goddesses. Discover how Viking society worked, from the king at the top to slaves at the bottom. Learn about the ways in which Viking people had fun, including wrestling, tug-of-war...
18) Pirates
Discusses when and where pirates typically lived and what their activities were.
19) Mesopotamia
Full-color illustrated photographs describe the history, culture, and people of Ancient Mesopotamia. Includes Mesopotamia clip-art CD-ROM and wall chart.