Kimberly McCreight
"From the New York Times best-selling author of Reconstructing Amelia, a gripping, moving novel about a daughter racing to uncover the truth about her mother in the wake of her disappearance. When Cleo, a student at NYU, arrives late for dinner at her childhood home in Brooklyn, she finds food burning in the oven and no sign of her mother, Kat. Then Cleo discovers her mom's bloody shoe under the sofa. Something terrible has happened. But what? The...
"When Amanda, the gorgeous wife of start-up millionaire Zach Grayson, is discovered dead at the bottom of the stairs in her stately Brooklyn brownstone, her husband is immediately fingered as the primary suspect. Zach calls Lizzie, his law school classmate, hoping their shared history will convince her to come to his aid. A former U.S. Attorney with no violent crime experience, Lizzie reluctantly agrees to represent him, though the two haven't seen...
Kate is in the middle of the biggest meeting of her career when she gets the telephone call from Grace Hall, her daughter's exclusive private school in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Amelia has been suspended, effective immediately, and Kate must come get her daughter now. But Kate's stress over leaving work quickly turns to panic when she arrives at the school and finds it surrounded by police officers, fire trucks, and an ambulance. By then it's already...
5) The Outliers
From the New York Times bestselling author of Reconstructing Amelia comes a fast-paced teen series where one girl learns that in a world of intrigue, betrayal, and deeply buried secrets, it is vital to trust your instincts.
It all starts with a text: Please, Wylie, I need your help. Wylie hasn't heard from Cassie in over a week, not since their last fight. But that doesn't matter. Cassie's in trouble, so Wylie decides to do what she has done
"From the author of the New York Times bestseller and 2014 Edgar and Anthony nominee Reconstructing Amelia comes another harrowing, gripping novel that marries psychological suspense with an emotionally powerful story about a community struggling with the consequences of a devastating discovery. At the end of a long winter in well-to-do Ridgedale, New Jersey, the body of an infant is discovered in the woods near the town's prestigious university campus....
Outliers volume second
"'Wylie, trust your instincts.' The line goes dead...Wylie may have escaped the isolated camp in the woods, but she is far from safe. The only way to protect herself is to understand her strange abilities as an Outlier, fast. But allowing herself to read other peoples' emotions isn't just difficult, it's dangerous. And Wylie isn't the only one at risk. Ever since they returned home, Jasper has been wracked with guilt. He can't let go of the blame...
8) The Collide
The much-anticipated final book in New York Times bestselling author Kimberly McCreight's Outliers trilogy.
Wylie is finally out of the detention center, but that doesn't mean she's safe. As much as she wants to forget everything that's happened and return to her normal life, Wylie knows that true freedom means discovering, once and for all, who is hunting the girls who are Outliers-and why.
Armed with only a few clues...
Hochspannend, hochemotional und voller unvorhersehbarer Twists:
Im Thriller »Die perfekte Mutter« der New York Times-Bestsellerautorin Kimberly McCreight geht es um drei ganz unterschiedliche Mütter, ein totes Baby und eine Spur dunkler Geheimnisse.
Für Molly Anderson ist es nicht leicht, Mutter zu sein – vor allem seit sie ihr zweites Kind auf tragische Weise verloren hat. Trotzdem scheint der Neuanfang geglückt, den sie und ihr Ehemann...
Hochspannend, hochemotional und unvorhersehbar: New York Times-Bestsellerautorin Kimberly McCreight mit ihrem trickreicher Ehe-Thriller um eine New Yorker Anwältin und ihren Freund aus Studientagen, der seine Frau ermordet haben soll
Der Hilferuf ihres alten Studienfreundes Zach kommt für die New Yorker Anwältin Lizzie Kitsakis denkbar ungelegen: Eigentlich wollte sie wieder mehr Zeit mit ihrem Mann verbringen, um die Risse zu kitten, die sich...
On est entre gens bien...
Park Slope, Brooklyn : un agréable ghetto pour riches au coeur du scandale. Les données des résidents ont été piratées, et on leur réclame des rançons colossales pour garder leurs vilains petits secrets. Qui a pu faire une chose pareille ? Les rumeurs vont bon train.
Le quartier est sous le choc en apprenant la mort d'Amanda Grayson. La veille au soir, elle avait pris part avec son mari, Zach, à une soirée...
12) Ton Jour Viendra
Et si vos meilleurs amis étaient capables du pire ?
Dix ans après avoir obtenu leur diplme, cinq anciens camarades de fac se réunissent pour le week-end dans un chalet au beau milieu des montagnes Catskill. Ces retrouvailles ne sont pas un enterrement de vie de garçon, contrairement à ce qu'ils affirment, mais plutt une tentative pour empêcher l'un d'eux de sombrer dans l'addiction. Après le suicide présumé de leur amie Alice, ils sont...