Brenna Maloney
From hippo attacks on the Okavango River to Chitina headwaters in Alaska, this chapter book is full of raging rivers and thrilling adventures. With gripping - and TRUE - stories of incredible adventures, extreme excursions, and ultimate survival, White Water! will have you on the edge of your canoe- er seat. Perfect for all readers who love an exciting, real-life, adrenaline-fueled drama.
"Insects play a critical role on our planet, from sustenance to pollination to medicines and more. [The author] . . . tackles both the wacky and weird, as well as threats to insects and their habitats, their possible extinction, and ways that everyday people, like you, can prevent their decline"--Provided by publisher.
Discover countries, cultures, and traditions in this new series!
Every day, all around the world, kids go to school, eat lunch and play games... And yet, these universal experiences, can look very different between different countries. These books will take our readers on a trip around the globe to celebrate diverse cultures and traditions, and will show us how different (and how similar) we all are! Key features: • High interest themes will appeal...
Did you ever wish that your story-time friends would come to life? With this book, they can! Mouse visits a-lot-of places in this story. He gets to know elephants and snakes in Africa. Bunnies pull his sled in the South Pole. He even soars up to outer space in a spaceship! Easy instructions will show you how to make Mouse, his clothes, and all his friends. Play along with the story, starring your new fuzzy pals!
Ready, set, go! Did you ever wonder which animals are the fastest... and the slowest?
All reptiles can move! But how do these animals actually go from place to place? Some lizards can walk on all fours or run on their back legs. Snakes can slither on their bellies. Turtles can paddle in water using their flippers. Crocodiles can do a belly crawl on land. Which animal do you think would win in a race? Look inside to discover which of the ten reptiles...
Ready, set, go! Did you ever wonder which animals are the fastest... and the slowest?
All amphibians can move! But how do these animals actually go from place to place? Frogs can use their powerful legs to jump. Toads usually walk or hop. Salamanders can walk or run on all four legs. Newts can crawl through water with their paddle-like tails. Which animal do you think would win in a race? Look inside to discover which of the ten amphibians in this...
Each living thing in nature follows a life cycle. Come with us as we explore growing up from tadpole to frog!
A tadpole wiggles out into the water. Its body begins to change and grow. Soon it will be a full-grown frog. Get an up-close look at the life cycle of this champion jumper-from tadpole to frog-all in the pages of this book. ABOUT THIS SERIES:Every living thing goes through changes as it grows. Tiny seeds grow into huge pumpkins, beautiful...
Discover countries, cultures, and traditions in this new series!
Every day, all around the world, kids go to school, eat lunch and play games... And yet, these universal experiences, can look very different between different countries. These books will take our readers on a trip around the globe to celebrate diverse cultures and traditions, and will show us how different (and how similar) we all are! Key features: • High interest themes will appeal...
Ready, set, go! Did you ever wonder which animals are the fastest... and the slowest?
All birds can move! But how do these animals actually go from place to place? Eagles can soar and glide. Hummingbirds can fly forward and backward... Ostriches can run using their strong legs. Penguins don't fly: they waddle or swim. Which animal do you think would win in a race? Look inside to discover which of the ten birds in this book are super slow and which...
Breanna Maloney is back with a new posse of cute creatures! In this sequel book Sockology, you are encouraged to take it one-step further with slightly more complex construction and endless inspiration. From a lovable jointed bear and fluffy sheep to a quirky many-eyed alien, these 16 projects will surely keep you entertained (and challenged) for hours. Don't worry, detailed hand-drawn templates are included to guide you every step of the way.
An easy method to faster quilt-making, and incredible patterns to make use of your scrap stash. What if you could piece quilts even faster, work on more than one quilt simultaneously and save money, fabric and thread all at the same time? Bonnie K. Hunter will show you how to put the concept of Leaders & Enders to work quickly and easily, expanding your creativity, and upping your productivity all at the same time.
If you have ever found yourself...
From hippo attacks on the Okavango River to Chitina headwaters in Alaska, this chapter book is full of raging rivers and thrilling adventures. With gripping - and TRUE - stories of incredible adventures, extreme excursions, and ultimate survival, White Water! will have you on the edge of your canoe- er seat. Perfect for all readers who love an exciting, real-life, adrenaline-fueled drama. Author bio: By day, Brenna Maloney is an award-winning journalist....