Charles Chaplin
Del prólogo de Luis Alberto de Cuenca: "Chaplin nos cuenta en Mis andanzas por Europa sus aventuras (que no desventuras) por Inglaterra, Francia y Alemania. Un viaje triunfal. Sus fans lo persiguieron tanto o más que en Estados Unidos. Los periodistas lo abrumaron, y hasta lo cabrearon, con sus impertinentes entrevistas y cegadores y continuos flashes.
Se negó a que le presentaran a Bernard Shaw, por no caer en el tópico, pero intimó con H....
2) City Lights
With the aid of a wealthy erratic tippler, a dewy-eyed tramp who has fallen in love with a sightless flower girl accumulates money to be able to help her medically.
The life of the silent film and comedy icon, in his own words—"the best autobiography every ever written by an actor . . . an astonishing work"—Chicago Tribune
Take an unforgettable journey with the man George Bernard Shaw called "the only genius to come out of the movie industry" as he moves from his impoverished South London childhood to the heights of Hollywood wealth and fame; from the McCarthy-era investigations...
Take an unforgettable journey with the man George Bernard Shaw called "the only genius to come out of the movie industry" as he moves from his impoverished South London childhood to the heights of Hollywood wealth and fame; from the McCarthy-era investigations...
In his controversial masterpiece The Great Dictator, Charlie Chaplin offers both a cutting caricature of Adolf Hitler and a sly tweaking of his own comic persona. Chaplin, in his first pure talkie, brings his sublime physicality to two roles: the cruel yet clownish "Tomainian" dictator and the kindly Jewish barber who is mistaken for him. Featuring Jack Oakie and Paulette Goddard in stellar supporting turns, The Great Dictator, boldly going after...
5) Limelight
Calvero, once a famous Music Hall star, now a washedup old man, saves a neighbor from suicide. He nurtures the young ballerina with paralyzed legs back to health, and helps her regain her self-esteem, so that she may return to the stage.In this film Chaplin intimately and poignantly explores the twilight years of glory: what it means to be forgotten, to despair, and how to gather the strength to overcome. Chaplin also offers Buster Keaton a highly...
Inspired by notorious French serial killer Landru, Henri Verdoux lures wealthy women by promising them sweet happy-everafters. After the wedding bells chime, however, he murders them for their fortunes. In this particularly dark comedy, Chaplin questions our perception of evil: isn’t this refined criminal a mere amateur compared to weapons suppliers and dictators? We stand ready to condemn a murderer, but when war victims are counted in millions,...