Charlotte Bronte
The most cherished novels from England's talented sisters, all in one gorgeously packaged volume
The Brontë family was a literary phenomenon unequalled before or since. Both Charlotte's Jane Eyre and Emily's Wuthering Heights have won lofty places in the pantheon and stirred the romantic sensibilities of generations of readers. For the first time ever, Penguin Classics unites these two enduring favorites...
2) Jane Slayre
A horror mashup of the beloved literary classic Jane Eyre...with a blood-sucking twist!
Jane Slayre, our plucky demon-slaying heroine, a courageous orphan who spurns the detestable vampire kin who raised her, sets out on the advice of her ghostly uncle to hone her skills as the fearless slayer she's meant to be. When she takes a job as a governess at a country estate, she falls head-over-heels for her new master, Mr. Rochester, only...
Jane Slayre, our plucky demon-slaying heroine, a courageous orphan who spurns the detestable vampire kin who raised her, sets out on the advice of her ghostly uncle to hone her skills as the fearless slayer she's meant to be. When she takes a job as a governess at a country estate, she falls head-over-heels for her new master, Mr. Rochester, only...
3) Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre, escrito com maestria por Charlotte Bronte, conta as emoções e experiências de sua heroína homnima, desde seu crescimento até a idade adulta e seu amor pelo Sr. Rochester, o mestre Byronic do fictício Thornfield Hall. O foco está na perda gradual da sensibilidade moral e espiritual de Jane, e todos os eventos são relatados com uma crescente intensidade que até o surgimento deste livro era do domínio exclusivo da poesia. O romance...
4) Jane Eyre
Charlotte Brontë’s romantic gothic novel, featuring one of literature’s most memorable heroines.
With her 1847 novel, Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë created one of the most unforgettable heroines of all time. Jane Eyre is an orphan, penniless and plain, but full of courage and spirit. She has endured incredible hardship to secure her humble status as a governess in the household of her brooding
5) Jane Eyre
As an orphaned child, Jane Eyre is first cruelly treated by her aunt, then cast out and sent to a charity school. Though she meets with further hardship, she receives an education, and eventually takes a job as a governess at the estate of Edward Rochester. Jane and Mr. Rochester begin to bond, but his dark moods trouble her. When Jane uncovers the terrible secret Rochester has been hiding, she flees and finds temporary refuge at the home of St. John...
6) Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre ist eine zeitlose Geschichte über Widerstandskraft, Liebe und Selbstentdeckung. Der von Charlotte Brontë geschriebene Roman folgt dem Leben von Jane Eyre, einer Waise, die eine harte Erziehung durch ihre grausamen Verwandten und die strengen Bedingungen der Lowood School erträgt. Als sie erwachsen wird, sucht Jane nach Unabhängigkeit und Zielstrebigkeit und wird schließlich Gouvernante auf dem abgelegenen Anwesen Thornfield Hall.Auf...
When Charlotte's brother Branwell was given a set of 12 toy soldiers, an entire new imaginary world opened before them. The Twelves, or Young Men, became a constant source of inspiration for the Brontë children, spawning tales of swashbuckling adventure, darkest intrigue, doomed romance, and malevolent spirits. The four volumes of tales collected here make delightful reading, while offering a unique insight into Brontë family life and Charlotte's...
8) The Secret
A rollicking adventure from the Brontë s' imagined kingdom of Verdopolis, The Secret is a novel of intrigue, duplicity, and all-conquering love.
The Complete Works of Charlotte Bronte brings together all of Charlotte Bronte's beloved classic stories and indelible characters. This special ebook edition includes all of Bronte's published novels: Jane Eyre, Shirley, Villette, and The Professor. A masterful storyteller, Charlotte Bronte is recognized as one of the most significant female authors of the nineteenth century, and her work continues to resonate with modern audiences.
e-artnow presents to you the complete novels by one of the greatest writers of English literature. This collection includes: Novels: Jane Eyre Shirley Villette The Professor Emma Juvenilia: The Story of Willie Ellin Albion and Marina Tales of the Islanders The Green Dwarf, A Tale of the Perfect Tense The Search After Happiness Tales of Angria: Mina Laury Stancliffe's Hotel Angria and the Angrians Poetry: Pilate's Wife's Dream Mementos The Wife's Will...
11) Shirley
Charlotte Brontë: Shirley Roman Neu editierte 2021er Ausgabe, mit aktualisierter Rechtschreibung und zahlreichen erklärenden Fußnoten Yorkshire, zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts: Das Leben der jungen Caroline, die nach dem Tod des Vaters und dem Weggang der Mutter ohne Vermögen und Zukunftsperspektive in der Nähe ihres Cousins Robert lebt, erfährt eine Wendung, als Shirley Keeldar in ihr Leben tritt: Die junge Gutsbesitzerin, die von ihren Eltern...
JANE EYRE is the classic story of the young girl who falls in love with her dark, dashing and handsome employer, but does he harbour a deep dark secret, a wife she doesn't know about? Are they really meant for each other in the end? WUTHERING HEIGHTS is the passionate and turbulent love-story of two people who cannot be together, a love which is all-encompassing yet thwarted, an unresolved passion which eventually threatens to destroy them and many...
"The Search After Happiness" is an 1829 novel by Charlotte Brontë. Written when the author was just thirteen years old, it is a disturbing tale of mysterious men and enslaving creatures that poses many questions but answers few. An uncanny insight into the mind of a young literary genius, "The Search After Happiness" is not to be missed by those who have read and enjoyed other works by this author. Charlotte Brontë (1816 – 31 March 1855) was an...
Como fósforos de Lucifer propone una selección de cartas de Charlotte Brontë que nos ayuda a iluminar escenas de una vida de escritura en la sombra. Valiente, justa, obstinada y tenaz, Brontë se retrata como una mujer hecha a sí misma que busca un hueco para ella y para sus hermanas en un mundo que no le pertenece y en el que la literatura es el único camino de desahogo y salvación. Gracias a estas cartas es posible revivir los momentos más...
The Twelve Adventures and Other Stories by Charlotte Brontë is an enchanting collection that delves into themes of self-discovery, resilience, and the complexities of human relationships. This compilation of tales showcases Brontë's mastery in exploring the human psyche, often set against the stark and evocative backdrop of the Yorkshire moors. Each story in this collection takes the reader on a journey through the highs and lows of the protagonists'...
16) Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre è una storia senza tempo di resilienza, amore e scoperta di sé. Scritto da Charlotte Brontë, il romanzo segue la vita di Jane Eyre, un'orfana che sopporta una dura educazione per mano dei suoi crudeli parenti e le severe condizioni della Lowood School. Crescendo verso l'età adulta, Jane cerca l'indipendenza e uno scopo, diventando infine istitutrice presso la remota Thornfield Hall.A Thornfield, Jane incontra l'enigmatico signor Rochester,...
A reworking of "The Professor", the author's first novel, "Villette" is Charlotte Bronte's fourth and last novel which is loosely based upon her own experiences at a boarding school in Brussels. The work follows the life of Lucy Snowe, a quiet yet self-reliant young girl without any family, from her life in the English countryside where she lives with her Godmother, to London, and finally to the French town of Villette, where she gains employment...
18) Jane Eyre
When a penniless governess falls in love with the brooding master of Thornfield, she is unaware of the tragic events that will follow.
A blistering criticism of the literary world in which she lived, Charlotte Brontë's "The Biographical Notes on the Pseudonymous Bells" contains two fascinating and insightful essays by the author of "Jane Eyre" addressing her late sisters' Emily and Anne's writing careers (Emily wrote "Wuthering Heights," Anne created "Agnes Grey" and"The Tenant of Wildfell Hall").
With surprising frankness and honesty, Charlotte offers a glimpse of the challenges...
20) Jane Eyre
"Jane Eyre" est l'un des romans les plus célèbres de Charlotte Brontë, offrant une exploration profonde de l'amour, de la justice, et de la recherche de l'identité personnelle. Suivez l'histoire fascinante de Jane Eyre, une orpheline courageuse et indépendante, qui traverse des épreuves pour trouver sa place dans l'Angleterre victorienne. Ce récit gothique, rempli de mystère et de passion, est magnifiquement traduit en français, permettant...